Nervous About Job Interviews?
It's Time for a Change

At, we employ cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence to simulate real-time interview scenarios tailored to your unique profile.

Why You’ll Love Ixyle


AI-Curated Interviews

Get a mix of general, technical, and coding questions based on your profile.


Instant Feedback

Receive immediate, actionable feedback on every aspect of your performance.


Secure Proctoring

Our state-of-the-art proctoring system ensures a cheating-free environment.


Detailed Reports

Gain insights into your speech accuracy, technical skills, and overall interview flow.


Giving you good value
with the best services

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What Our Clients Say

I was nervous about my upcoming placements, but transformed my preparation. The AI-driven questions and immediate feedback helped me identify and correct my weak points. Every student should give this a shot before their big day!. 😍

Aarav Sharma,

computer Science Student
icon 4.6

I thought I had mastered the art of interviews, but was an eye-opener. Their in-depth analysis and instant feedback helped me polish my communication and presentation. Grateful for such a game-changing platform! ❀️ ❀️

Kavya Iyer,

MBA Graduate
icon 4.2

With, I felt like I had an advantage during my interviews. 😍 The real-time AI-generated questions were unpredictable and challenging, just like a real interview. By the time I faced real companies, I was confident and ready! πŸ‘πŸ‘

Rohit Patel,

Engineering Student
icon 4.7

Preparing for corporate interviews was daunting. gave me a platform to practice, make mistakes, and learn. The detailed feedback on speech, diction, and technical knowledge was invaluable. It's my secret prep tool! πŸ₯° 🀜 πŸ€›

Neha Banerjee,

Law Student
icon 4.9 isn't just for techies. It helped me articulate my design philosophy and projects clearly in interviews. The platform's holistic approach to communication, technical knowledge, and interpersonal skills is brilliant!" 😍

Harsh Varma,

Design Student
icon 4.4

I always felt I was technically sound, but showed me the nuances of how to present myself during interviews. Their AI-driven mock interviews and detailed feedback prepped me for my dream job. Highly recommended for every Indian grad! 😍

Rahul Mehta,

Graduate Student
icon 5.0

Incorporating into our campus recruitment process has been a game-changer. Seeing how candidates fare in these advanced mock interviews gives us an unmatched edge in assessing their readiness. It's an essential tool for HR in the digital age. 😍

Priyanka Garg,

HR Manager
icon 4.9

The comprehensive feedback from is unlike anything out there. From refining my communication skills to honing my technical knowledge, this platform offers all. It's the perfect interview prep tool for Indian students! 😍

Ananya Bhat,

College Student
icon 4.1

Our institution always strives to give its students the best. Partnering with gave them an edge in their job interviews. The results? A significant increase in placement rates. Every college in India should consider this! 😍

Suresh Kumar,

Placement Officer
icon 4.5

When I was job hunting, was my secret weapon. Their real-time AI-generated questions and human-led feedback ensured I was always a step ahead. It's a must-use for every Indian job seeker!" 😍

Deepika Rajan,

Software Engineer
icon 4.4
Have questions? Send them over

We’d be pleased to answer them


Frequently asked Questions is an advanced AI-driven platform designed to assist graduates and job seekers in preparing for interviews. We generate real-time questions based on user profiles, conduct mock interviews spanning three unique rounds, and offer comprehensive feedback to help users enhance their interview skills.

Absolutely! Security and integrity are our top priorities. Our state-of-the-art proctoring system ensures the authenticity of each interview while safeguarding user privacy. Moreover, all data is encrypted and stored securely.

The Institutions Plan is tailor-made for educational establishments and companies. It comes with features like a dedicated admin dashboard for performance analysis, the ability to conduct customized interviews, special branding options, and more. The pricing is also customized based on the institution's requirements.

Yes, all interviews under both the Individual and Institutions plans are recorded, allowing you to review, analyze, and share your performance.

We're glad to hear that! Please click on the "Contact Us For Custom Pricing" button on our pricing page or get in touch with our sales team. We'll work closely with you to understand your needs and offer a customized pricing package.

Our comprehensive report covers everything from speech accuracy, fluency, technical knowledge, to overall sentiment of the interview. You'll receive detailed insights, scores, and actionable recommendations to help you enhance your performance.

The proctoring system monitors the interview to maintain its authenticity. It checks for tab switches, mobile usage, eye contact, and more. It's designed to simulate a real interview environment while ensuring genuine effort from the user.

: We accept all major credit and debit cards. If you're an institution looking for bulk packages, we also offer other payment methods. Please get in touch for more details. is perfect for graduates prepping for their first job, job seekers transitioning to new roles, and institutions aiming to provide their students or employees with top-notch interview training.